
Why Employee Health is so Important

Workplace environments can start to weigh heavily on people's minds and bodies, causing unhealthy behaviors. These behaviors can lead to chronic and deadly diseases if left untreated. Both physical and mental health are critical as they can negatively affect how employees perform daily. These aspects of health can take such a toll that they may even influence the number of accidents during a job, the employees' overall attitude, productivity, and absenteeism. 

Implementing health and wellness programs in the workplace or at your job site can be the key in making a company more effective and efficient. These employee health initiatives are an investment that will continue to improve the company throughout the years. Monitoring employees' well-being is crucial to creating a safe and welcoming work environment. It makes the employees feel cared for and appreciated, which helps build their morale for the company.

Different Initiatives Being Implemented

There are many ways to implement health and wellness initiatives in a company and on a job site, regardless of industry. Every initiative offers a different service that focuses on improving daily life and healthy habits, allowing a company to choose the best services to fit its employees' needs.

Behavioral Health Services

As mental health concerns and the rate of suicide amongst workers continues to rise, providing on-site Behavioral Health counseling, during construction projects, gives the worker a safe place to talk and helps to foster a culture of caring that addresses the health and well-being of the body, mind, and spirit.

Blood Pressure Monitoring 

Keeping track of blood pressure will help identify whether or not high blood pressure is present. This condition can potentially cause heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure, making it essential to check regularly and provide referrals for further care if necessary.

Educating in Heart Health

Knowing the best practices in proper heart health can be the difference between a short and long life. Learning about the different symptoms and when to go to a doctor is vital for the heart and its functionality.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental health can sometimes make it difficult to do daily tasks. Learning different techniques to notice changes in an employee's mental health and knowing when to reach out to a medical professional can make a significant difference. MMC clinicians are certified Mental Health First Aiders.

Exercise Incentive Programs

Giving employees an incentive to work out can be a fantastic opportunity. Not only will they become more healthy during the process, but they will be rewarded with an incentive for their hard work.

Educating in Weight/Body Mass Index

Everyone looks different and has different needs when it comes to calorie intake. Understanding proper weight depending on body type is essential. Learn about body mass and how to measure ratios correctly.

Healthier Food Choices

Wanting to change the type of foods ingested but not knowing where to start is a common hurdle. Having a guide that leads to healthy and delicious options is key to a balanced diet.

Smoking Cessation Program

Smoking addiction can be one of the hardest things to quit. There are many techniques for quitting, but sometimes it's hard to hold accountability. This program will help employees finally say no while understanding the difficulties.

Body Ergonomics

When sitting at a desk, posture can suffer, causing back pain and headaches. Your employees are harming themselves without realizing it while simply sitting at their desks. Learning what to be conscious of when working and how to correct your body to stop the pain can be critical.

Counseling/Peer Support Groups

Having a safe place amongst peers can be a beneficial way to discuss emotions and feelings impacting mental health. It can help put genuine thoughts into perspective and is beneficial when hearing another point of view. The weight off your employees' shoulders can be astounding, so don't hesitate to talk.

Selected Monthly Wellness Workshops

A wide variety of workshops and wellness-related topics can be brought to employee attention throughout the year. A monthly program can help with education on many of the above topics and increase employees' morale, showing that they are cared for and can confidently work on their health. Examples of wellness workshops include: addiction awareness, heart health, heat safety awareness, women's health, men's health, nutrition month, and more!

Your employees will feel appreciated and cared for no matter which programs you decide to use in your projects. Their health is significant for the productivity and effectiveness of each job. Partner with Mobile Medical and let us enhance the welfare of your workers.

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